Antahkarana Symbol and Power

The Antahkarana symbol is a magickal tool used to transcend any impurities for healing and for spiritual growth. Its simple presence is enough to recreate the energetic structures of a room and the people inside it. Antahkarana in Sanskrit – Antar means “interior”, or “within”, and Karana means “sense”, or “organ”. The Antahkarana symbol interacts with the five elements; the physical earth element, emotional water element, mental air element and etheric fire element. Spirit is the fifth element of Aether which is the celestial body that fills all sacred space; spirals and encircles everything. Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “sky”, “space” or “aether” which is the bridge between Earth/Body and Heaven/Spirit. With our own body, it’s the conduit between our soul and our bodies. All living things have Aether; that spark of energy that exists just beyond our normal awareness. Spirit is invoked when working with more than one elemental force consecutively, Arcane magick like alchemy and mysticism, illusion and energetic manipulation like telekinesis. Spirit is used in working with spiritual forces. We use spirit to commune with spirits and deities. Spirit is used for receiving messages through dreams and divination through tarot, oracle and numerology. The messages received pass through us and come directly from spirit.
The Antahkarana symbol is healing and intensifies the strands of light which all connect through our crown chakra and then up the crystal cord to our causal body, the I Am Presence. The Antahkarana is clearly the number 7′ pointing in every direction, connecting with the Universe. The number seven is sacred in many contexts. The Kabbalah states that there is the power of creation in the number seven, with the 7 creative planets directing our lives, reflected in the 7 days of the week, with the 7 archangels in charge of different aspects of Earthly life. In Shamanism, there are 7 levels in the upper world and 7 levels in the lower world; each representing archetypical levels of awareness. Alice Bailey mentions the 7 chakras and the 7 main colors of evolution; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet-white. There are 7 tones of the musical scale. The Seed of Life symbol is seven circles. The Antahkarana is the total of the seven rays of life, the rainbow reflection of God’s pure light. Some of its meanings are good fortune, spiritual progress, the sun, and union of yin and yang. When tuning into the energies of Antahkarana, our intention is important. Antahkarana is a symbol of life and eternity. Akashic records reveal this symbol to be from the lost civilization of Lemuria – on the Mu continent. That would make it about 100.000 years old. The story goes that humanity needed to reestablish their connection between their rational mind and their higher-self. At that time, the council of enlightened masters created this symbol to aid humanity in its evolution. Therefore this symbol represents a collective consciousness. Anyone who uses it will develop a very strong potential for recreating and stabilizing the connection with their higher-self. This symbol appears on many Buddhist and Hindu statues or parchments. Tibetan records state that the symbol is 12,000 years old. These days it’s used for spiritual cleansing and meditation. The Antahkarana symbol was perverted as the “Swastika” from Nazi symbolism. The Nazi purpose was to manipulate and dominate. The Swastika has nothing in common with the original Antahkarana – which is meant to cleanse, heal and connect to the Divine higher-self. Its purity and beneficial energy should be promoted and harmoniously used for our evolution as human beings. The most effective and important use of the Antahkarana symbol is its presence. By simply placing the symbol in a room, it will have a positive influence on the energy and people in that room. The Antahkarana Square usually goes well under the chairs, tables, beds, pillows, even below an entire room. With its shape, Antahkarana is able to literally cut the negative thoughts and energies that come close to it. Antahkarana amplifies healing energies such as prayer, meditation, a Reiki or a simple massage session. Atahkarana will dispel any residual energies that might emerge from such therapies. When placed close to you, the Antahkarana has the ability to effect the Taoist Microcosmic orbit.
Antahkarana is a Qi-Gong method of stimulating the energy centers, energy points, organs and meridians within the human body. It’s a very helpful meditation for restoring the energetic balance of your whole body. The energy that’s created will flow afterward through your chakras, cleansing and activating them in the process. Antahkarana is helpful for people with a physical illness or mental imbalance. By having this symbol in a room, it will directly cleanse the energy that enters and exits the chakras. Two Antahkaranas (male and female) have the potential to effectively neutralize any type of residual and negative energy. If we place crystals, water or jewelry between the two Antahkarana symbols they will be purified within minutes. Considering that our body has such a high percentage of water, meditating on Antahkarana will bring extremely good benefits. This symbol can help us connect to our higher-selves and generate inner-clarity. It greatly amplifies the power of intention, affirmations, and subconscious healing.
The most common forms of the Antahkarana symbol are the male and female.

You will notice that the female version of Antahkarana (Yin Antahkarana) has slightly thinner and longer arms. This one has an emotional healing purpose and I recommended using it with the Sei He Ki symbol from Usui Reiki. This will help cleanse and activate the Anahata and Ajna chakra. This combination also has the potential to heal and awaken apathy or monotonous couple relationships. Yin Antahkarana can be very useful for the past (even karmic) deep emotional traumas.

The male version of Antahkarana (Yang Antahkarana) has slightly thicker and shorter arms. It is responsible for amplifying the energy fields of the chakras, especially for Muladhara, Svadhishthana, and Manipura. By doing so, Yang Antahkarana can boost your energy level and vitality. It also has the ability to bring balance to the Yin and Yang energies that are within each one of us.
When placed under the bed (or mattress), this symbol can help cure insomnia and generate the necessary energies for a night of deep and calm sleep. Both versions of the Antahkarana also have intuitive uses, meaning that we may very well find new ways to apply these amazing symbols.

Antahkarana Square is a group of 16 small Antahkarana symbols, grouped to greatly amplify the healing energies and remove the
negative ones. It is considered to have an even greater effect on the colors white with purple. Usually, it is placed under the furniture, chairs or even under the pillow.

Antahkarana Cross is a total of 13 smaller symbols, intersected in the middle with a common Antahkarana. This formation has a very high vibrational power and by placing it in a room, it will greatly enhance any therapy or cleansing procedure for the people involved. Keep in mind that this symbol has the power to remove negative energies and even dark entities.
Antahkarana Of The 7 Spiritual Planes
This is similar to the other versions, with the only difference being at the intersection of the three arms. They are slightly separated and by doing so they can cut negative energies from a particular place.
Sacred Geometry Antahkarana
Usually, this is represented by a Yang Anthkarana within a form of the Sacred Geometry from Kabbalah. Through this form, the concentrated energy flows as three beams of light. This creates a triangular-shaped power-prism that has a tremendous capacity for energy emission. This symbol greatly amplifies the beneficial energy of a given place.
How To Draw The Antahkarana Symbol
There is no specific pattern for drawing the Antahkarana. If you feel up to it you can start drawing it on a large paper but this will take quite a bit of time. I would suggest printing the one that resonates with you the most and put it in where you practice meditations, Reiki or prayers.
Where To Place The Antahkarana Symbols
This depends on your intuition and/or need. The Antahkarana Square usually goes well under the chairs, tables, beds, pillows, even below an entire office. Antahkarana Cross can sit on a piece of furniture or on the wall.
Yin Antahkarana – You can place it under the furniture as well as on the wall.
Yang Antahkarana – goes well on the wall that’s closest to you in order to enhance the vital energy and amplify your energy fields. Place it under the bed and it will help you have a very relaxing sleep.